Hello there!
My name’s James McArthur but I get called all sorts: Jamie, Jimbo, Jimbob, Jim Lad, Gert Jim, Jay, Mackie and most often Jamesie. Take your pick.
I love mountain biking and I love snowboarding. I moved with my family a few years ago to the French Alps to spend as much time as possible doing both and playing in the mountains.
I’ve done all sorts over the years from construction to product design, web development and blogging. I’ve left a trail of failed ventures in my wake, along with the odd success, scattered amongst the debris. You get back up though, time and again and you crack on.
I’ve spent a lot of time in my life writing, for one thing and another, and I have always loved it. I always envisioned that that’s what I’d like to end up doing but despite that, I’ve never really fully committed to it. Until now that it. ‘For the Love of Mountain Biking’ is my first proper book and I’m all in.
I hope you enjoy it and if you do, get in touch and let me know what you think. If you don’t, just keep it to yourself. 😂